Painter. Art studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest in 1912. They were masters of Edvi Illés Aladár, Ferenczy Károly Imre Revesz. Drawing as a teacher and later worked as an inspector in the capital. he was appointed Director-General Tan District in 1937. He featured in the Art Gallery and the National Salon regularly since 1912. A painting can be seen in Szentes Koszta József Museum.
Technique: Pastel on cardboard
Signed: Zolnay Géza 1927.
Size: 43,5x36cm
Price: 113,00 €
1111 Budapest, Bartók Béla 34.
(Gárdonyi tér)
Mobil: 06 (20) 571 4789
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Opening hours: H-P: 10:00 - 18:00