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Ádám Würtz Grahphic artist

Adolf Fényes

Adolf Veintrager Painter

Agost Bajor/ Bayer Ágoston painter, graphic

Ágost Potemkin Egerváry Painter, actor, journalist

Agoston Acs Painter, goldsmith.

Aladár Almásy Garphic painter artist

Aladár Fáy Graphic artist

Alajos Parobek Painter

Albert Bertalan Painter

Alex Keil Painter

Alexander Turmayer painter

Alfréd Réth Painter

Amerigo Tot Graphic artist, sculptor

Andor Basch Painter

Andor Dudits

Andor G. Horváth Painter, graphic artist

Andor Mate

Andras Csikos painter

András Rácz

András Váci

András Wahorn Painter - graphic artist

Andrea Pazman graphic artist

Anna Jáky Painter

Anna Stein Painter

Antal Deli Painter

Antal Diósy Painter, graphic artist, illustrator, gobelinter.

Antal Fery

Arnold Gross Graphic artist

Árpád Bálint Painter

Árpád Bardócz

Árpád Basch Artist

Arpad Szabados

Árpád Vissó Tóth

Atila Biro

Attila Koppány Painter

Attila Sassy Painter graphic artist

Aurel Bernath Painter

Aurél Náray Painter

Béla Czóbel Painter

Béla Grünwald Iványi Painter

Béla Stettner

Béla Szeift Painter graphic artist

Bertalan Garzó

Bertalan Szekely

Bojtos Karoly Graphic

Brigitta Vidéky Painter sculptor artist

Carolus Pallya

Charles Gink

Csaba Tamás Kulifay

Danylych Tárás Painter

Dénes Gulyás Painter

Dénes Ősz Painter

Dezső Fáy painter

Domonkos Gaál

Emil Gádor Painter graphic artist

Emil Sarkadi painter

Endre Bálint Painter

Endre Frecskay

Endre Rőder Painter

Endre Scholtz Painter

Endre Szász Painter-grafich

Endre Virányi Painter

Erno Foth

Ernő Karolyi Painter

Ernő Kocsis Painter

Erzsébet Bayer. Sz.

Erzsebet Weil Aszodi Painter Graphic Artist

Eszter Mattioni Painter, graphic artist

Eugene Bailiff Ring painter

Eugene Paul ( Gen Paul) Painter

Eugene Simon ( Szimon Jenő) Painter

Eugene Tarjáni Simkovics graphic

Ferenc Bolmanyi painter, sculptor

Ferenc Czinke Graphic artist

Ferenc Dobrovits Painter

Ferenc Doór Painter

Ferenc Fodor

Ferenc Gaál Painter

Ferenc Kerülő Painter

Ferenc Marton Painter, sculptor, stage designer.

Ferenc Martyn sculptor,graphic,painter

Ferenc Olgyay Painter

Ferenc Ridovics Rábai Painter

Ferenc Rutka Painter, stage designer, jazz drummer

Frantisek Michl Painter

Frigyes Borszeky

Gábor Gombos Kovács

Gábor János Stein Painter, graphic artist.

Gabor Nagy Painter graphic artist

Gábor Remsey Graphic artist

Gabriella Istvánffy Rainerné Painter

Gabriella Molnár Graphic artist

Gabriella Sulyok

Géza Bene Pinter

Géza Hodi

Géza Mészáros Painter

Géza Mészöly Painter

Geza Sigmond Glass artist

Géza Sigmond Glass artist

Geza Xantus Gaphic artist

Géza Zolnay Painter

Géza Zórád painter, cartoonist, illustrator.

Gizella Barabás Painter

Gizella Reismann painter

Gusztav Mannheimer Magyar Painter

Gy. Fehér Etelka Painter

Gyöngyvér Fábián Painter

György Kapussy

György Korga Painter

György M Molnár Painter

Győző Fáy Painter , grafic artist,

Gyula Bakányi Painter

Gyula Conrád

Gyula Halvax

Gyula Hincz Painter

Gyula Konfar Painter

Gyula Konkoly Painter

Gyula Kövér Painter

Gyula László Garphic artist

Gyula Németh Gyertyáni

Gyula Rudnay painter

Gyula Wanyerka Komjáti painter

Gyula Xantus painter

Herbert Traub Sculptor, Painter, Graphic designer

Huba Bálványos

Hugó Scheiber Painter

Ida Benczúr Dolányi Painter

Ignác Kokas Painter

Ilma Bernáth Painter

Ilona Barabás Painter

Ilona Hraniczky Painter

Ilona Roóz Kiss Ceramist

Imre Bak Painter

Imre Bukta Painter sculptor performer

Imre Knopp

Imre Márkus painter, graphic

Imre Révész Painter graphic artist

Imre Szemethy Graphic artist

Irén Balázs Textile artist

Istvan Arato Painter

Istvan Birkas

István Boldizsár Painter

István Csík

István Csók Painter

István D. Kurucz Painter

István Darvassy

István Debitzky Painter

Istvan Elesdy painter

István Főglein István Painter

István Horváth Halasi Painter

István Kozma Painter applied arts

István Kulinyi

István M. Tóth

Istvan Moldovan Painter

István Renhardt Painter graphic artist

István Soós. Z

István Szabó

Istvan Szőnyi Painter

István Tallós Prohászka Painter

István Tóvári Tóth Painter, graphic artist, sculptor

Istvan Zador

István Zsáki

Ivan Masznyik Mariasi

Izolda Macskassy painter

Janos Balázs Painter

Janos Devenyi

János Fajó Painter sculptor

János Halápy Painter

János Harencz Painter

János Jakuba

János Kass Graphic artist, painter, sculptor

János Mustó Painter

János Németh Ceramist

János Nyergesi Painter graphic artist

János Pleidell Painter, graphic artist

János Somogyi painter

János Várkonyi Painter

János Viski Painter

Jenő Barcsay Painter graphic artist

Jenő Benedek Painter

Jeno Beres Painter

Jenő Eschenbach (1908-1981): Ceramic porcelain designer

Jenő Eshenbach Ceramist

Jenő Gábor Pinter graphic artist

Jenő Kárpáthy Painter

Jenő Major m. Painter

Jenő Szebeni Kritsári

Johann Maresch Ceramist

John Downman Painter

József Bartl Painter

Jozsef Baska

József Breznay Painter

József Buhály

Jozsef Dobroszlav painter

Jozsef Kerekes painter

József Kórusz Painter graphic artist

Jozsef Litkei

József Prohászka Painter

József Rónai Rippl Painter

József Somogyi Painter, graphic artist, sculptor, placemaker

József Szentgyörgyi Painter, graphic artist

József Vati Painter

József Wágner Csabai Painter

Jozses Fodor Painter graphic artist

Jr. Imre István Graphic artist

Judit Csernó Painter

Kálmán Csizmazia Mányi Painter

Kálmán Csohány Graphic illustrator

Kálmán Istókovits Painter graphic artist

Karácsony Gyögyvér Jessyca Painter

Karl Marko Painter

Károly Gaburek Painter sculptor ceramic

Károly Jakobey Painter

Károly Lotz Painter

Károly Patkó Painter

Károly Szegvári Pinter

Kata Kádár A Painter

Katalin Csomor Painter

Kázmér Rónay Painter

Lajos Bruck (1846-2010): Pinter

Lajos Csaky Graphic artist, painter

Lajos Domroszlav painter

Lajos Kantor

Lajos Kunffy Painter

Lajos Máté Csurgói

Lajos Sváby

Lajos Szabó Painter

Lajos Szalay Graphic

Lajos Tokácsli Painter

Lajos Zombory

László Bartha Artist

László Béla Urbán Painter

Laszlo Benyi Painter, art writer.

László Bod Painter

László Borbély Painter

Laszlo Drégely Painter, sculptor, stage designer.

Laszlo Dús Painter

László Emil Baranszky Painter graphic artist

László Fehér Painter

László Holló

László Mednyánszky Painter

László Megyes Painter

László Moholy-Nagy


László Simon Csorba Graphic Artist

Laszlo Simon Csorba Painter, graphic artist

László Tenk painter

Lili Ország Painter

Lipót Böhm Painter

Lipót Herman Painter

Lívia Dallos Painter

Lívia Gorka Ceramics

Loránt Chován Painter

Lóránt Nyári Painter graphic artist

Lőrincz Siklódi (Ditrói) sculptor

Lowell Mapes Painter

Magdolna Fazekas Painter

Mano Vesztroczy painter

Marcell Vértes Painter, graphic artist, illustrator

Margit Artner

Margit Gráber Painter

Margit Kiss Thormáné Painter

Mária Barta Artist

Maria Patzay

Maria Tury painter

Maria Vajda Upholsterer

Marienne Gábor Painter graphic artist

Márta Kiss Painter

Márton Takács Painter, Grafik artist

Maurice Goth Painter

Mihály Erdélyi Painter

Mihaly Hajnal

Mihaly Pal sculptor

Mihály Schéner Painter

Mihály Zichy Painter

Miklós Barabás

Miklos Borsos Graphic designer, medal artist

Miklós Bottka Painter, garphic artist

Miklós Grandpierre Kolozsvári Graphic artist

Miklos Halmy

Miklos Melocco

Miklós Mórotz Painter

Miklós Németh Painter

Monika Eva Horvath painter

Nándor Berky Sculpture artist

Nándor Brenner Viday Painter

Nándor Hermann Honti

Nándor Honti Painter

Nandor Katona

Nándor Kemény Painter

Ödön Guzsik painter

Ödön Illés Edvil

Ödön Márffy

Oszkár Glatz Painter

Oszkár Herritz

Oszkar Szirt

Ottó Kopcsányi Goldsmith

Pál Bor

Pal Gerzson Mihály Munkácsy award-winning painter

Pal Ko sculptor

Pál Mizsér Painter, graphic

Pál Paulovits Graphic artist

Pál Veress

Paul Csergezán Painter, graphic artist, illustrator

Péter Kloton

Péter Szüle Painter

Pierre Székely Sculptor

Piroska Szántó Painter

Piroska Szanto Painter Graphic

Raul Kopeczky Painter

Róbert Alföldi Actor, painter, director.

Rozália Koszta Painter

Rudolf Bér painter

Rudolf Blahos Painter graphic artist


Sándor Badacsonyi

Sándor Basilides Painter

Sándor Bihari

Sandor Bihari Painter

Sándor Éber Painter

Sandor Gyorffy

Sándor Hartung

Sándor Kolozsváry Graphic artist

Sandor Szolnay Painter, grafik Artist

Sándor Teplánszky Painter

Sándor Torok Painter

Sándor Tóth A. painter

Sándor Wágner Painter


Serge Delaveau Painter

Simon Sarkantyú

Slezák Lajos festőművész, rajztanár

Szergej Vlagyimirovics Potapov Painter - graphic artist

Szilárd Cseke Painter

Szilard Ivan painter, graphic

Tamás Vass Graphic artist

Tamás Végvári Painter garfic artist

Tamás Vigh Sculptor

Tibor Budaházi

Tibor Duray Painter

Tibor Gallé Painter Painter, graphic artist

Tibor Idranyi painter

Tibor Pataky Painter

Tibor Pólya Painter, Caricaturist, Graphic Artist

Tivadar Dörre

Tivadar Fried Painter Graphic artist

Tscheligi Lajos Csűrös Painter

Viktor Belányi Painter

Viktor Olgyai Painter graphic artist

Vilmos Koch Painter

Vilmos Murin Painter graphic artist

Vilmos Novák Aba Painter graphic artist

Vilmos Tamas Kovacs Painter

Viola Záborszky Painter

Vladimir Szabó Painter

Z. Gács György Painter

Zoltán Eckerdt

Zoltán Freytág Painter

Zoltán Kiss Olcsai sculptor

Zoltán Klie Painter

Zoltan Kovacs Borbereki Hungarian painter and sculptor

Zoltan Paldy Painter

Zoltán Perei

Zoltán Szabó Painter

Zoltan Veress

Zsuzsa Egresi Graphic, decorative

Zsuzsa Jándi Painter

Zsuzsa Szikra Painter Graphic artist

Zsuzsanna Pallag sculptor


1111 Budapest, Bartók Béla 34.
(Gárdonyi tér)

Mobil: 06 (20) 571 4789

E-mail: href="mailto:moc!pont!trafoadob!kukac!ofni">moc!pont!trafoadob!kukac!ofni

Opening hours:
Thursday-friday: 11:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday-monday: CLOSED

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